Here’s a list of frequently used abbreviations, acronyms, and nicknames.
Who’s who and what’s what?
- BoBo = My 1st born
- YaYa = My baby
- DD = My stepson
- Ms G = Short for Ms Garminia. My GPS device
- VFF = Vibram fivefingers
- BQ = Boston Qualification
- Lindy = My bicycle (Look 566 SRAM Rival)
- TITS = time in the saddle (cycling)
- The Man = Short for The-man-of-my-dreams. My boyfriend
- My Bloggies = that’s YOU, my readers and fellow bloggers
- My Groupies = the women from my grief support group
- Mr Good Neighbor = the best neighbor anyone could have
- FB = Facebook
*If you stumble across something that you think should be listed here, please post a comment to point it out.