It is good to change perspective now and again. Ordinary looks extraordinary when viewed from a different angle.
graduation gatherings
The graduation class of 2020 has the oddest of final years of school. Whether high school or college, the way the year unfolded was far from how anyone envisioned it. So when it all came to an end, diplomas got dispersed through car windows (or similarly), it was hard for many to refrain from gathering in some form or another. These young adults were together when coronavirus started, likely they were together to some extent when they were supposed to be sheltering from one another, so it’s no surprise that a few masks came off as the gowns went on (if only for a photo or two).
To all who graduated this year, Congratulations!
A year ago, when Momma Daisy had here first litter, I stalked my friends’ FB page, eyeing the pups as they grew but never even asked if they were for sale. This time around, I sent a message as soon as I saw that Daisy was pregnant. But with only five puppies expected, the chance of me bringing one of these littles into our home wasn’t good. So I prayed.
Days later, Daisy was delivering her litter. The photo showing Daisy with her litter of five was posted. We all ooo’d and ahhh’d from our homes. Then…puppy six arrived. She was a complete surprise. Our hearts melted; you good feeling love was palpable across the internet.
A bit later, puppy seven arrived. My eyes welled up with tears viewing the photo of her and her momma. And, I had hope that maybe…just maybe…we might get one.
About an hour later, puppy EIGHT was born. A boy! I was beside myself with joy; my heart captivated by this little guy. Number Eight!
We’ve named him Kobe, who’s original number was #8. He comes home to live with us in six more weeks.
Sheltering in Peace (SIP)
We’ve arrived at a new norm: cooped up in our homes, working, hanging out, and just being. Thank God that my boys are still living with me. My boys…and our dog, Simba. I can only imagine how lonely I’d be if I was sheltering alone.
Simba has been falling into a new norm as well. He’s gotten quite used to having us around him 24/7. He goes running with YaYa, hiking with me, and balling with BoBo. He is quite fond of having us as his companions. I hope he will be just as fond of what we hope will be coming to join us in about 8 weeks.
Strange Times
There’s no denying, we are in strange times. Locked up in our houses, watching TV and glued to our virtual connection devices – we are encouraged to do all of the things we have been trying to minimize. All of the things we have previously been encouraged to do are now being discouraged.
On the flip side, we are spending a lot of time together – albeit in front of the TV, but together nonetheless. We are cooking home cooked meals. As for the freshness of the ingredients, the balance of the nutrients, or any sort of caloric restriction…well, you can forget that. But…we are cooking.
We are realizing the limitations of our WIFI connection, the limited number of forks and spoons on hand, and the value of those Costco size amounts of toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and…you name it.