Last year, I set out to support my brother, Robert in his quest for his Spartan Trifecta. His journey was successful and I now feel that he is self-sufficient and well on his way to make it his own.
Meanwhile, I took a look at my own goal for Spartan racing. I can’t say at this point whether another Trifecta is in progress. But I can say that I have signed up to do the San Jose Super (which actually in Patterson, CA) in less than a month.
Robert has a 30 minute earlier start time than me. My goal will be to see if I can catch up with him. If I feel good once we meet up, I may continue at my pace and see what I can do on my own.
Change is inevitable. Progress is optional. -Tony Robbins
In the meantime, I am stepping it up in the gym and in my running game as well. Meaning: I am starting to run again — albeit mindfully.