A year ago, BoBo asked me to attend the Holiday Party/Awards Ceremony from his work in Reno, NV. That year, the invitation came too late for me to be able to pull off, so I deferred to the next year (a.k.a. January 2019). The 12 months between events passed rather quickly. In that year, I watched my son put all his energy into his career. Chasing the next promotion, he always seemed to keep his long term goal in mind, foregoing many a late night out that would make it difficult to wake up early the next day. Each week, he would write out his goals and send them to his boss and others as a way of being held accountable. He networked with those whom he admired to inquire on ways to overcome the hurdles he was encountering on his entrepreneurial journey, and acted as a mentor to those who were just learning their way in the business. He did this with admirable consistency throughout the year.
At the meeting this year, when the CEO of the company was describing the recipient of the “consistency” award, I had a hunch that BoBo was the one receiving this award after hearing a minute or two of the introduction. I picked up my phone and began recording the speech – hoping that my hunch was right.
Of course, I was overjoyed when his name was called. Moreover, I was incredibly proud when I heard what my son had to say as he accepted the award. His ability to speak eloquently in accepting the award was excellent. Thanking his superiors for the opportunity, he left everyone motivated to go after their own success. I was in awe at his grace and composure. He certainly didn’t get from me. But I think I know who he did get it from and know that he would be so proud if he were alive to see it.
Tilde says
Way to go “BoBo”, way to go Mom!!
Linda says
That is SOOOO Awesome! The Casillas clan is very proud of Conor too!!!! He has come a long way and I know you, Tom and Grandpa Jim, watching him from above are so proud of him too!!! Go Fergus Family!!!!