Last summer’s trip to Kings Canyon National Park was one of careful evaluation of the messages my body was sending and constant modification. Each day, I woke with a Plan A and Plan B. The outcome would depend upon what my body would allow. I remember feeling disappointed and frustrated. I felt bad that I was hindering the expectations that I set for the trip with theMAN. Not being good enough, strong enough, and tough enough is definitely not big on my list of qualifications. A fellow yogini/hiker likened the process as similar to the yoga practice; you do what you can but modify when you need to.
Yet, the trip ended up being wonderfully fantastic. Our modified plans allowed us to take in the sights around each place we set up camp. We were able to practice yoga each day, take time to journal, go for picture walks around camp, and got plenty of rest.
With this summer’s adventure a little over a month away, I am already assessing the need to revise the plan. Set aside the fact that I have not hiked as much as I would have liked, the biggest issue this year may be the amount of snow on the ground where we have our wilderness permit. I have been doing a little research (reading blogs, updates from the rangers, and even emailing them) and are now exploring other options. Unfortunately, with the dates falling on a national holiday, the options are limited.
Once again, it’s time to go with the flow. To be honest, I am not going to get all hung up on the perfect trip. Recent events/hurdles set in my path have made me take note of what is most important to me. Count your blessings. Say “I love you” often, and mean it. Go with the flow.