After 2 so-so attempts to capture a sweet time lapse sequence of my orchid blossoms emerging, I was finally getting it right. This was the 3rd blossom of my favorite orchid — the white one that has been with me for a couple of years now. I was stoked to finally have my camera setting right. There was only one problem…
When I came home from work on Tuesday night, the blossom hadn’t quite opened up…and Wednesday was the day we would all have to pack up and leave for a the termite fumigation. If I could, I would have left the camera and orchid on auto-pilot but all living things (among other things) must be removed from the household.
So we all packed up and headed over to theMAN’s house for the duration. I wasn’t entirely sure why but I brought the camera along too.
Upon our arrival, I noticed that theMAN’s pink speckled orchid’s last blossom was swelling and just ready to burst. I borrowed a tripod and set up to see if I could photograph the event. If I were successful, perhaps it would be a nice way to say, “Thanks for putting us up for the couple of nights.” And IF I failed, it would be no big deal.
Fortunately, I got the timing right and was able to pull off the creation of a sweet little video of theOrchid’s last hurrah.