Those of you who have spent any amount of time with me know that I am a bit superstitious. Not to the point of holding back (much) but certainly preceding with a bit of caution with things such as when walking on the opposite side of a pole as the person I am with. I refrain from celebrating things such as Boston Qualification, successful refinancing of my home, or anything of the sort, until the documentation is in and it is 100% true. Even then, I have a tendency to look for some wood, be it a picture frame or desk, to knock on. If none is available, I will knock on my head… and say a little prayer as well.
For my 47th birthday (yes, I am that old), a friend of mine gave me a little piece of wood to carry with me for such occasions where wood is wanted. This was not just any wood; it was wood from last year’s Christmas tree (2011) which he had saved to carve out a family ornament for the following (2012) year. And because he has similar perfectionistic tendencies as yours truly, he sanded, stained, and varnished my little knock-on-wood piece into this beautiful little ornament.
He hoped I like it.
Of course, you *know* I LOVE IT!
Since receiving it, I’ve been relieved to have a bit of wood nearby at all times. This was especially true yesterday, when I bared my sacroiliac and the surrounding territory for a cortisone injection. I knocked on it several times prior to the procedure, and immediately after with hopes that my pain soon melt away completely and not return. [knock wood]
During the procedure, my nerves were calmed as I practiced my pranayama (yogic breathing) and took comfort in knowing that the love of my life was out in the waiting room waiting to take me home. I imagined he was holding my hand as the needles (first the numbing agents and then the cortisone) were being inserted.
And now that it is all done, I ask ALL of you to please find a bit of wood and give it a little knocking with the hopes that I can resume my active life free of pain.
Namaste (I bow to you — with gratitude)
Jennifer Henson says
Done! :)
kk says
Wow I really love the pic! So glad it is a lucky thing to keep handy. We all need one! And I’m wishing you a pain free year my friend.
Juls says
[knock wood]
kk says
Only you have the power Juls. :)