Even with such a little amount of distance to the water, walking out on to this fallen tree to “play” can get your nerves firing. If you really want to play, you must reach inside and access your sense of peace and confidence. Once you can do that, the fun really begins…
My work in this triangle pose has always been to pull the hip of the forward leg into midline more. In doing so, I’m able to unfold like a piece of paper. Since this is “play time,” I choose to leave my work for another time — thereby saving myself from falling backwards into the water. Likewise, my warrior pose (above) could also benefit from a tweak or two; me moving my front foot forward a few inches would be a good start.
Nevertheless, this is my playtime. I am simply enjoying being outdoors and finding balance.
Teetering between fear and ease as I move into this arm balance feels exhilarating.
Again, it’s not about perfecting the pose, it’s about the enjoyment of being able to access it out here in this little paradise. Did I mention that our trail camp is a mere 2 miles from the main highway? How cool is it to be able to carve out just a wee bit of time in our busy lives to pack up our things and venture out here to enjoy the outdoors? It’s magical and makes me so happy that I feel a bit like young dancer exploring what it feels like to lift off and fly.