On more than one occasion, BoBo has taken issue with my feet. Disgusting, hideous, and ugly are just a few of the choice words he has used. Although I try not to take offense, the insults occasionally do get to me.
My feet hold me up in the worst of conditions, and have taken me farther than I ever knew I could go. I beat them up, and they continue to perform amazing feats.
Did you know that the foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints (20 of which are actively articulated), and greater than a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments? The feet are fantastic and complex machines. And mine are truly just that. No matter how calloused and blistered they get, they are beautiful to me.
Being the marathon running enthusiast that I am, a few insults aren’t about to stop me. A couple of blisters and a bit of soreness aren’t either, although soreness during Saturday’s 16 mile paved run did give me second thoughts on trying to run the Portland Marathon in my Vibrams.
Instead of throwing in the towel on my attempt, I decided to treat me feet to a little pumice and polish. Next weekend I’ll do a 20-22 mile paved run in my Vibrams. If it goes well, then I’m set. If it doesn’t, then I’ll be able to run 18 miles in shoes the following weekend.
I kind of think that my tootsies will adjust to the pavement running though — as long as I sweet talk them and continue to shower them with tender loving care.