It’s been a day of running errands: ordering the Safeway cake (design and makings picked out by the Birthday Boy himself), a trip to the Apple Store to reset myPhone (it was stuck in headphone mode), REI for hydration, and a special lunch at YaYa’s special restaurant. We both were pretty done by we time we finally arrived home again. Unfortunately for me, there is still much left to do before tomorrow’s party.
In the mailbox was a letter from Hawaii addressed to YaYa. On the back of the envelope, BoBo had written in bold lettering HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! YaYa smiled a wide grin as he opened the letter from his brother.
We always love hearing from him but somehow having the letter addressed in YaYa’s name AND arriving ON his actual Birthday was an extra special touch. BoBo couldn’t have planned it better if he tried.
I guess I failed to mention that BoBo is now enrolled in a military academy. His entry was completely of his own choosing and he seems to be doing well. He will graduate in December and leave the program with a high school diploma in hand. Since his entry into the academy, letters are the only form of communication we receive.
On our end, we’ve tried to keep the communication upbeat. This was a little difficult where Lucky is concerned. My letters mention how we are giving BoBo’s dog TLC but not a whole lot more than that. For those of you who, like BoBo, don’t know what this acronym stands for, TLC means tender loving care. Well, I guess BoBo was able to read between the lines as his letter to me (included in YaYa’s envelope) said that he didn’t think Lucky would make it until he got home. Of course, we all hope that he will.