I’m a little apprehensive about tomorrow’s run. My worry does not stem so much in the fact that I grand plans of covering 20 miles – in the HEAT. I am concerned about the amount of TNTers who plan to share the path with me. Besides our summer team, the fall team is kicking off their season on the same path. If that weren’t enough, two other teams are coming over the hill to share the trail too.
I know that it will be fine. I will admit, I am a bit grumpy about running on a schedule when YaYa’s football schedule is so demanding. It feels so out of control. Still, Coach Tim did grant me permission to start earlier than my wave was set to go at. Additionally, I invited one other person to share the trail with us – Cindy will be running 10 miles.
As for the number of teams on the trail, I just need to get out there and see for myself. I am sure that I will have as great a time as one could have while running in 95 degree weather. Right now, I need to get to bed and revive my “Go Team” attitude.
– Good Night –