I got a butt kickin’ today…
and, technically, yesterday too.
I bailed on joining the Team yesterday at track. I just wasn’t up for the social atmosphere, so I emailed the head coach to get the specifics on the workout. It was to be a 10 -15 minute warm-up, followed by a 5K time trial.
YaYa and I made our way to the track to get the job done. I ran 1.3 miles at a nice brisk pace. It felt good and I wanted to be sure that I was adequately warmed up to the task at hand. Then, I began my time trial.
I probably felt too much was at stake for as I rounded the corner of my first lap I was seriously out of breath. I was going too fast. I tried to slow down a bit and continued on. Lap 2 was about 3 seconds slower, and still I was feeling like I would die before I finished the workout. I tried once again to slow it down. And so it continued this way, each lap getting slower but never feeling like I’d found my pace…until I completed my 5 laps. Then, I stopped.
There were other factors at play, such as needing a bio-break and burping up my dinner, but primarily it was my mind that stopped me. It did not believe that I had the "special ingredient" needed to get the job done.