Patti tagged me today. This meme, unlike all of the others (which I have willingly participated in) is all about running. Very FUN and Exciting! Right?
Here are the rules, followed by my reply.
If YOU have been tagged, you will find your name at the end of this post. You should then, copy the rules (or your version of them), and the set of questions onto your blog post, provide your own answers, and then tag 5 new people.
In this case, all 5 questions are all about RUNNING. How easy is that?
Just to be sure that everyone tagged knows they have been invited to play, go to their blogs and leave them a special comment letting them know, and refer them to your blog for details.
One more thing, once they’ve answered the questions on their own blog, they should come back to yours to tell you.
Got that?
Here goes…