Jeff’s post today reminded me of a run that I did early last week (or perhaps the week before last). Anyhow, in spite of the fact that there really wasn’t anything similar about the two runs, there was one common denominator (sort of).
Here are the differences:
• Mine was on pavement, while his was on dirt.
• Mine was hilly (compared to flat), but not hilly in comparison to Jeff’s “at least 4000’” climb.
• Finally, my run was 6 miles (okay, exactly 5.7 miles), and Jeff’s was 20 miles or so.
The common denominator:
• Creepy creatures of the buzzing variety
Jeff’s description of being freaked out by swarms of bugs reminded me so much of my run that I had to write about it. It’s sort of a therapy thing with me. Write => feel better. So here goes: