After a fatiguing 17 mile run, I returned home. BoBo had been sitting YaYa AND the two boys down the street had come by as well. The house showed signs of good times being had by all.
I entered the home and made a b-line to the bathroom. My gastrointestinal tract had waited to complain about the long run, but now my visit to the bathroom was urgent. I made my way to the kitchen next where 4 empty packages of Go-Gurt’s lay on the counter. In the living room was the box of Cheese-It’s. I grabbed the box, along with a cold bottle Accelerade, and made for the shower.
The stairs felt steeper than usual. My legs complained with each step. I took a deep breath and powered up them to find the light left on in YaYa’s room. I found two large boxes of toys open in the center of the room, and toys strewn about. *sigh* I turned off the light and went into my room.
My room was not much better. The bed, which I made this morning, was a mess. The pillows were on the floor beside three pairs of little shoes. Humm? The smell of little monkeys jumping on my bed was still in the air. Although BoBo’s shoes were not in the room, I suspect that he had a huge part in the fun as well.
The fact that I didn’t get any calls complaining about the brother’s fighting was great. If the disastrous mess throughout the house is the price I pay (along with a small fee to my money hungry teen) then so be it. That in itself makes today’s run a success.
As for the run, well, I survived it. In the early miles, it actually felt okay. I resisted the urge to check my heartrate and just ran. But as the miles wore on, my legs felt more and more fatigued.
When I came upon a man walking at mile 13, I began walking. We traveled a mile together where I learned that he will be walking his first marathon in Dublin. He was well into his 60s and looking healthy.
My legs did not want to resume running after walking for a mile. I did my best to continue on. It was slow and steady. I am glad that it is behind me. I’ll rest a bit and then try to get my house put back together.
Ironmo says
in the home stretch, Julie! Way to go. Mo
Anne says
I’ve come home from a run to similar scenes. It helps if you’ve got a good endorphin buzz going.
21stCenturyMom says
Assuming you have a couple of rest days lined up it sounds like your training is going splendidly. Load and recover – that’s the key to success.
Lisa says
Sounds like a good run to me. Enjoy the rest. :)
aham23 says
bummer the ate all the go gurts! those things rock. :) feel better. later.
Lori says
You have been doing such a great job in your training. You are getting so close now and will be ready. Tell those monkeys just to re-make the bed and then you will never know ;)
Waddler26.2 says
Taper time is coming and your legs will get their needed rest.
Irene says
I wouldnt’ call 17 miles disasterous, I would call it one for the books ~ It’s complete! Hooray! It’s amazing how steep those stairs are after a long run! It sounds like a taper is in your near future. Hang in there!