My 3:30 pm interview is the last thing on my mind. Still, I have pulled up the company website to study up on the their pipeline. They have some exciting technologies in development. I can almost let myself get excited. As I familiarize myself with their products, my mind wanders. I just can’t seem to stay focused.
Instead, I focus on the time. I watch as the minutes, and hours, tick away. I am waiting for a different call.
Armed with a phone number for the radiology department, I set out to repair an error made in my mammogram scheduling. The appointment should have been scheduled at the same facility as the biopsy appointment. It should have included an ultrasound. Instead, I had my boobs squished and was left to worry the weekend away about whether the film-based views would be available to the treating physician. My goal of moving up my biopsy appointment was now hindered by the fact that my ultrasound appointment is not until later this week. To complicate things, I have discovered that the ultrasound cannot be done without the mammogram films.
In the attempts to move up the ultrasound appointment, I’ve volunteered to pick them up myself and take them to my appointment. The only problem is that I can’t find out if the radiologist is done with them yet. As of several hours ago, there as an appointment for ultrasound tomorrow. Unfortunately, I cannot get booked into that appointment spot until the guy at the other radiology department verifies that I can pick up my films today.
So I wait. Impatiently, I might add.