If you have never flown in first class you are unaware of the frivolous pampering that happens in that part of the cabin. I am told that Hawaiian Airlines is better than most at pampering their guests. BoBo, YaYa and I were lucky enough to enjoy this experience. Flying in coach will never be the same again.
I am sitting next to YaYa sipping guava juice in a cute little champagne glasses. I am catching up on the ongoings of the mainland by perusing the headlines in complimentary newspaper that I just received. People are still boarding the plane and we have already been given a menu to choose three items for our meal. This all is prior to pushback.
Speaking of meals, do you know what they serve in first class? Let me tell you that it is *not* the same as the rest of the plane. It is not the soggy turkey sandwich that made YaYa gag (and nearly puke) which we received on the way over to Oahu.
While BoBo enjoyed a break from us (sitting in the row ahead of us), YaYa and I clinked glasses and watched movies on our digEplayers. Sure, some of the meal was a little too fancy for YaYa’s taste. Our meals were healthy, yummy AND pretty.