My enthusiasm for YaYa’s baseball game was lacking. I wasn’t the only one. Huddled in the last bit of shade, we all grumbled throughout the 2-1/2 hour game. It was HOT. Thankfully, our little players did not catch our lack of enthusiasm; they kicked some tooshie. What’s more, YaYa got the game ball for, none other than, having enthusiasm and hustling.
Today it was my turn to have enthusiasm and hustle. I rose from my bed a few minutes after 6:00 am and began to dress for my long run. It was going to be another hot day, so I could not afford to sleep in. The boys were forewarned that I would be out. I pulled the shades down in their rooms with the hopes that they would sleep late.
Downstairs, I struggled to find my fuelbelt. I settled for my camelbak (which I cannot tell if it leaks or if it just causes my back to sweat a lot). Today was primitive due to a lack of preparations. I packed water and GU, then I was out the door with a PB & J sandwich. I even skipped my cup of coffee in the interest of saving time and preserving my hydration status.
The run itself consisted of 16 lonely miles. I ran along a trail that I frequently spend my Sunday mornings at, but today was a little different. One by one, I cheerfully waved at other runners, cyclists and walkers. In return, I got blank stares, glares, and a handful of half-hearted waves back. It was pitiful. I guess that I wasn’t the only one who skipped coffee today.
*Enthusiasm* people.
Where is the enthusiasm?!