I got my parrot to predict a sub-FOUR hour marathon again. Although I know that parrots can sometimes just tell us what we tell them to say, I am happy to see the time that my parrot is showing me.
3:52:55 !
That would only be two minutes that I would need to shave off to hit my BQ.
AND it’s only February. My race is 8 months away.
Image Source-http://parrotmountainandgardens.com/_pics/pmbird1b.htm
21stCenturyMom says
Watch out for that parrot predictor. It assumes you can keep a steady pace at your fastest average pace for the week. You’ve got a lot of time so I’m sure you can but I couldn’t – but Jeff did. So rock on!
Wes says
Make those parrots proud! Hopeful wishes and healing vibes for hubby.
Juls says
I am aware that the parrot stats are not exactly a perfect predictor. Still, I’d like to keep hearing a parroting of a marathon finish where my BQ is within reach. It’s a mental game.
angie's pink fuzzy says
woo hoo!
darrell says
How do I get a parrot?
Better yet how do I get one that says sub 3:30?!
It is very cool that your parrot has good news for you. Keep up the good work.