I’m blah, unmotivated, and feeling heavy.
I caught the yuck-bug today and just can’t seem to brush it off. I started sometime yesterday. Things were getting done, but it just didn’t seem like anything was. We’d made headway on the back-to-school shopping, I vacumned the house, cut the drooping roses off the bushes and fertilized them. I fixed one of the drip sprinkler things, and did a few loads of laundry. Nothing I did, however, could help me shake the blah feeling. And so I ate a few tortilla chips, and then more and more and more.
And this morning…my weight was up.
I don’t think that I did any real damage, despite the increased pound this morning. I honestly think the extra salt did it more than the extra calories. But it did in my mind too. At the JC Centre yesterday, I was asked if I was perhaps not eating enough. I told her that I thought I was at a good level now. I’ve been tracking everything in my palm pilot program and eating to keep the caloric deficit in good range.
That blah, unmotivated feeling continued into today. It was a day filled with apathy. Cross training was on the schedule and that just added to the apathy. I can get excited about running mid-way through a run, but sitting on a stationary bike isn’t at all exciting. I just can’t muster excitement when it isn’t there from the start. I delayed my workout as long as I could and at 2 pm, I made my way to the gym to do my time.