After a long day, I came home to an extra large stack of mail. I wondered if I had anything *good* in the stack, like the next issue of Marathon & Beyond, or money, or something like that. What do you know, I did have a package that caught my eye. I was pretty sure that I knew what it was. To my delight, I was right; it was my 26.2K shirt for Hal’s V-Team. Tom had sent me a message stating that it was “in the mail.” Actually, it was not the first time that he sent it; he had tried before when I was at Grandma’s Marathon. This was when *I* had sent him a message saying that the check would soon be “in the mail”. Sadly, my shirt never arrived…until today! I pulled out the shirt to examine it closer and then read the back. There it was, the *date* of this event, “August 6, 2006.” Okay, so what if the longest run I have done since Grandma’s has been 10 miles! Right? I won’t panic because in a marathon the extra 6.2 miles is just icing on the cake. So, why not an extra 6.3 miles? No problem.
On the subject of 26.2: The plan begins officially on Monday, July 31st (Dad’s Birthday). Marathon #11 = CIM and I am excited to be “in training” again. In preparation for both the 26.2K “virtual” event and CIM kick off training, I will be out for a 10 mile run with Cindy and Amy in the morning. Maybe I’ll take my new shirt for a test run – ‘cuz you know that you can’t wear anything new for the big event without trying it out first.