Rose buds all around my front yard awaiting the coming of spring. Technically, the season is spring, or so my son informed me one day after school. The rain, however, has not taken notice; it has been unrelenting. Until this afternoon that is.
I stepped outside, wearing shorts and my long-sleeved shirt, ready for a cool run. I had hoped that I could avoid the rain. I needed to get away from it all and get out for a HARD RUN. As luck would have it, I not only escaped the rain, but enjoyed a beautiful sunny day at that.
During the run I listened to my iPod running music and took in the lovely day. There were not any open roses to be seen, but there was so many beautiful flower blossoms on the trees. The geese were out honking at me, and people were out walking the trails in force.
There is nothing like a good and hard training session to drain the continued strains of life. I mulled over my current battles in my head and set my garmin for mile repeats. The session began with a mile warm up, and was followed by 1 mile intervals, and then a 1/4 mile easy job in between each mile repeat. My five repeats today were at a time 8:03-7:55 minutes per mile.
As in today’s work out, running has been a tool for solving problems ever since I was a teenager. When I was a teen, I would run when I was upset. I would play out fights in my mind. Sometimes these were fights with my friends and other times with my parents. They were the fights I didn’t have ~ the reason that I didn’t need to talk back to my parents as much as my sisters did. But more than anything, when I was a teen, my running saved me from being the affect of peer pressure. What a gift running has been for me this life. It has saved from trouble and helped me able to cope with my problems.