The theme of the day is “go with the flow.” Today was like the cup that floats down the river, moving to the pace of the water and redirected around rocks, and tree branches. My plans for the day were in constant change. What seemed like rough waters ahead, ended up to be smooth sailing in the end.
It was to be a very hectic day beginning with Little League Opening Ceremonies at 8 AM, and finishing with BoBo’s baseball game at 2:30 PM. There was much more baseball related plans in between the two events. I was going to do my pace run prior to Opening Ceremonies or during YaYa’s baseball practice. That was until we got the call that Opening Ceremonies are being postponed due to rain. I slept in.
By 9 AM we found out that YaYa’s baseball practice was cancelled. At 10 AM we were notified that BoBo’s game was cancelled as well. Boy doesn’t that change things. It seems the Little League doesn’t want their fields, which everyone has worked so hard on, getting messed up. The only other change was that Tom will be out for most of tomorrow. I changed plans. I flip-flopped my training and did my 13 mile long run today and will do my 6 mile pace run tomorrow.
I wore my tights, and long sleeve running shirt. It was cold out but the sun was actually shining. There were ugly black clouds in the sky. I loaded up my CamelBak with water, and grabbed one GU packet for fuel. I set out at an easy pace and manually clicked of my mile splits at each mile marker along the trail. I listened to my music on my iPod and greeted the walkers, runners, and roller bladders along the way. Everyone was friendly and happy for this break in the rain (even if it is just for an afternoon).
Today’s run took me out and back. When I hit the 6 mile marker, I ran a bit further to add an additional ½ mile before turning back. I headed toward a local high school track and figured I would run the balance of the distance on the track. The only problem was that there was a huge track and field event going on. I looked through the fence for a couple of minutes, and stretched. I wanted to stay and watch, remembered being on my high school track days, but I was getting cold. I turned back to the trail to finish off the run. As I ran back, some workers moved their brooms, and rakes aside and watched me pass. I think they might have said something, but I didn’t hear what it was. It’s probably better that way. I just smiled and said thanks.
The miles clicked away, and as I thought about how different today’s run was than my long runs with Cindy and Mark. I figured that I’d better get used to running solo as my June marathon will be the first marathon that I won’t have my support crew cheering me along the course. It’s strange to thing about that. I’d better get a few more sound waves of my friends and family offering words of encouragement for my race playlist. Soon I was back at my van. I stretched for a short bit and headed for home.