A little bit more
I am a woman, a runner, a mother of three boys, a wife (now widowed – but I still consider myself “married”), a blogger, and a friend. I am many things; these are just a few that come to mind.
I enjoy challenges, but I would never have chosen my greatest challenge so far – that being surviving my husband with two young boys at home. In spite of my loss I feel lucky that, had one of us had to go, that I got to be the one stay and experience more of the journey that life is. I am privileged that God let me see my boys go through life, and choose the destinations for their journey.
Yes, I feel that life is a journey. For me, running is a huge part of it. It’s my “me time.” It’s how I cope. Just like a great run, the journey has parts that are easy and others that are more difficult. There are parts of the journey that are beautiful others that are darn right ugly.
I have taken up writing this blog to document my journey. It also helps me to deal with my ever-changing feelings. Some day, hopefully a long time from now, my journey will end. I hope to reach the finish feeling good about what I have accomplished along the way. I hope that this blog will act as a long trail of bread crumbs to show, those that wish to know, where I have been. Perhaps, I will learn some valuable lessons along the way. Perhaps others will too. Regardless, I hope that you will enjoy.