While searching through boxes of photos and such, I came across these old photos of Tom and I. Talk about bringing back memories…
The year is 1997.
I haven’t quite got my running bug yet.
This is a time in my life where the Bay to Breakers event was still considered a “race”, instead of a zoo, in my mind.
Tom and I stand relaxed at a packed starting line awaiting the gun.
We are amazed and thrilled by the vastness of the crowd.
I’ve done races at the this point in my life, but none with as large of a turn out as this.
After miles of meandering around the people who are less into running than us, Tom and I make it into the middle of the sea.
From the middle of the highest hill, we see a sea of people ahead of us and behind up.
I am in awe with the idea of racing and with the man I am with.
Later in the race, I see cool costumes and ugly naked bodies. Eew!
Before long, the event is ending, and we are crossing the finishline together.
This entry was back-dated to keep memories in chronological order.